
Comex Printing House – Sponsor of the Zlombol Rally 2024


Comex was the sponsor of this year’s Zlombol rally!

The rally started from the Silesian Stadium in Chorzow, and the destination was the picturesque Atlantic Route in Norway.

During the 7 days of travel, the team consisting of Krzysztof Gąsior, Robert Zatycki and Maciej Bednarski covered 4,382 km, driving a 1984 Fiat 125p.

The aim of the Zlombol rally is to raise funds for children from orphanages to fulfill their little dreams and support their start in adult life. Over 17 editions, the rally has raised over PLN 15 million!

All the funds raised go directly to the children, and participants cover all costs related to participation and car care from their own pockets.

Zlombol is a unique expedition in an old car, without professional technical assistance and a detailed travel plan.

You can only count on yourself and the support of other crews.

Thank you for the opportunity to support such a noble cause and congratulations to all participants for their determination and passion!


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